[00:06, guided meditation begins]
As always, taking a few moments to really find your seat, to establish the posture and a centre of the awareness. Letting the awareness pervade the body, the space of the body, the felt experience. And whatever the felt experience in the body right now, in the mind also, receiving, allowing it, opening to it. So the very awareness itself has a tenderness to it, a softness, this quality of allowing, of receiving, of holding. Holding and touching the experience of the moment. The body, the mind, the heart, softening. All that is held, naturally, effortlessly.
So allowing all things to be held. Recognizing, acknowledging, all experience held, embraced in spacious warmth. Just whatever arises, whatever abides, whatever passes, welcoming it, softening to receive it.
Whatever reactivity arises momentarily, not a problem. Simply the play of appearances, arising in the space. Welcoming everything. Whatever thoughts or images of the self arise, opinions about the self, assessments, definitions, a sense of self, allowing. That, too, just the movement, the play of appearances. Allowing, welcoming it all.
[10:49] To allow, to welcome, to allow space is also to allow tenderness, to allow love, whether that feels obvious or not right now.
So over and over, simply welcoming everything -- whatever it is, whatever moves, whatever arises. And this welcoming does not need to be forced. Allowing appearances -- simply appearances. And to allow is to bow. Bowing to this mysterious, endless display of empty appearances. Bowing to their melting.
[19:38] Whatever thought, whatever judgment, whatever state of mind, or movement of the state of mind -- all simply appearance, play of appearances. Allowing it all, letting it be. The heart lets it come and go. None of it has to be a problem. Letting the heart feel the peace of letting go.
There's space for everything: sensations, thoughts, emotions, reactions of mind, movements of mind. Letting it all belong to the space. Giving it back. Belongs to the space. Releasing. Everything, whatever it is, all appearances, insubstantial, belong to the space.
Sensations, just floating, flickering in the space.
Sounds, held and pervaded by silence.
Movements of mind, just insubstantial appearances, belonging to the space.
The ultimate nature of all things is peace.
[37:05, guided meditation ends]