Sacred geometry

The Courses and retreats listed here are led by the teachers on the Teachers page. The page is current - listings appear in date order and are taken down one day after the start date. Buttons take you to the relevant websites with all information and application processes.

Past Retreats and Courses
Sacred geometry

Courses & Retreats

Sacred geometry

Foundations of a Soulmaking Dharma

Catherine McGee and Yahel Avigur
15th September 2024 - 8th November 2024 - with Barre Center for Buddhist Studies - APPLICATIONS CLOSE 22 JULY

Catherine McGee and Yahel Avigur are offering the above online course this autumn. There will be 12 weeks of focussed study and practice re-evaluating Emptiness, Imagination, Sacredness and Desire. Over the first weeks you will be supported to build a practice foundation that can open this Soulmaking paradigm, and then you will have the chance to work with images as the course progresses.

Applications close on July 22nd, so do have a look now if you are interested as the application will need some focussed time to complete.

The teaching is offered entirely on a dana basis. However If the course fee from BCBS is too much for you please see the financial assistance information on their website here. BCBS intend that no one is turned away on financial grounds.

Apply here

Liberating and Compassionate Ways of Looking

Yahel Avigur, Kirsten Kratz and Juha Penttilä
11th October 2024 - 18th October 2024 - Gaia House Residential and Online

In this retreat we will attend to our heart-mind and body with sensitivity and curiosity. Cultivating the heart’s capacity for kindness and compassion, we will inquire into the Buddhist teachings as liberating ways of looking. Compassionate and transforming perspectives, when wholeheartedly engaged with, will reduce suffering and unveil the potential of the human heart.

We will discover how experience is shaped and co-created by our ways of relating to what is unfolding in our inner and outer life. Establishing and deepening this insight can open possibilities of seeing and understanding that will allow us to explore new, liberating ways of experiencing ourselves and the world. We may also recognize unexamined, habitual ways to perceive and interpret, along with their accompanying limiting narratives, dynamics and beliefs. By questioning and loosening these, we can sense what is possible for our heart-mind, its receptivity, intuitive intelligence and sense of wonder.

Gaia House registration

HAF Annual Residential Retreat: Divine Abidings - The Imagination and Skill of the Boundless Heart

Catherine McGee and Monica Antunes
29th November 2024 - 6th December 2024
Colehayes Park, Dartmoor, Devon UK

Divine Abidings - The Imagination and Skill of the Boundless Heart
Four ways of looking. One loving heart. Together we will cultivate multiple skilful ways of coming into the world.

As Rob suggested, we could helpfully see our Dharma practice as the development of skill and flexibility with a range of ways of looking. On this retreat and in the company of sangha, we will cultivate kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. Learning to tune our bodies, hearts and minds to perceive in ways that bring sanity to our relating, skill in our service, and open us to more freedom and mystical senses of existence.

Wisely attending to whatever hinders us, we will draw upon the heart’s imagination to engage in these timeless loving arts - allowing the healing, nourishment and wisdom that arise through these ways of seeing and sensing.

This retreat is open to anyone who has:

a) A working familiarity with ‘ways of looking’ teachings as laid out by Rob Burbea

b) Attended at least two weeks of silent residential Insight Meditation retreat

Registration Form
Sacred geometry